Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fountain of Youth Or the Energizer Bunny?

By Kevin Uhrich

There are a few stories of explorer/adventurers of the past that spent most of their lives on a quest for the Fountain of Youth. I don't know if they're true, they sound more like fables to me. The moral, to my way of thinking, would be that while they searched the far corners of the earth, they were oblivious to the fact that they carried the Fountain of Youth inside of them and they failed, all of their lives, to find it! There is a Native Aboriginal story I heard many, many years ago, and the elders would tell it to the children... perhaps like a bedtime story.

Quickly, it goes something like this; God was talking to the Holy Spirit and said that He needed to find a place to hide man's "God Head" or man's "Divinity". He didn't want us to find it until such time as we were ready. The Holy Spirit suggested that God hide it on top of the highest mountain or the deepest ocean or darkest forest, etc. etc... God said that man would become the master all of these physical places very quickly. He needed a safer place. He decided He would hide man's "Divinity" deep inside of man himself and when man became wise enough he would find it.

Cool story and one that helped to keep me on my quest to find what we are all about "emotionally." I don't know many answers yet; I'm still finding something new around every corner, and likely will till the end of my days, but I have acquired the greatest respect for Aboriginal fables and stories.

I've come to "know" we are all divine beings and as far as the Fountain of Youth? Yes, it is right there inside of us and when we are wise enough we'll find that the fountain is really Source light and Love or God and that we are "already" eternal beings, we DO NOT DIE...EVER! We just keep going and going and going; we are all Energizer Bunnys.

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